
SToP (See, Treat, Prevent) Skin Sores and Scabies Trial – Skin Disease Control in Remote Western Australia

The SToP Trial aims to decrease the burden of skin health in the tropical North, particularly in remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley region.

Skin sores (impetigo and scabies) are very common in many remote Aboriginal communities. They are painful and itchy, and left untreated can lead to serious complications including sepsis, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis , and potentially rheumatic heart disease. Skin sores are often left untreated due to under-recognition, ‘’normalisation” and lack of awareness of the possible serious complications.

The SToP Trial is a large, Kimberley wide comprehensive skin disease control program. It will be evaluated using a cluster randomised stepped wedge design, across 4 community clusters: 2 in the West Kimberley and 2 in the East Kimberley.

The SToP Trial aims to decrease the burden of skin infection in remote Aboriginal communities through implementation of a streamlined and sustainable program involving diagnostic training, treatment, environmental health and health promotion. As a result, the project also aims to decrease the burden of the complications of skin infection.

  • Jessica Knight

  • Jonathan Carapetis

  • Telethon Kids Institute

  • 2019-2020

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